Qin Dynasty Art (221-206 BCE)

Qin Dynasty

During the Warring State Period, the Qin came to power. There rule began in 221 B.C., and the characteristics of Chinese rule began. There was one leader for each Dynasty, and each leader would be succeeded by another. This also began a time of powerful leader taking over weak countries. In turn, this lead to unstable periods in Chinese rule, due to continuous takeovers.
King Qin Shi Huangdi defeated the other Warring States, thus establishing the Qin Dynasty. The Qin Dynasty was the first time that China had been unified, and it was known as the First Empire.
During Qin's 37 year rule, and the short reign of the Qin Dynasty there were many accomplishments. One being the creation of the language and writing of China. This was done out of a need to have consistent communication across the country. Also, currency became uniform as a circular copper coin with a square hole in the middle. Measurements and axle length were made uniform as well. However, the biggest accomplishment would probably be the building of the Great Wall in the north, so as to provide prtection from invasions. The Qin also became known for their work in pottery. The most famous works being the terra cotta army, which were buried with Qin Shi Huangdi.